Exam results fever hit again this week as the A-level results were issued. Students celebrated, and perhaps commiserated, as the results were announced whilst their Scottish counterparts were a week earlier. As is regularly the case, every year ...
Exam results fever hit again this week as the A-level results were issued. Students celebrated, and perhaps commiserated, as the results were announced whilst their Scottish counterparts were a week earlier. As is regularly the case, every year ...
It's been a week for breaking records in the fields of sport and education; more young people than ever achieved places at Scottish Universities following successful Higher results and of course at the Olympic Games in Rio – we watched in awe a...
Creative thinking happens differently within all organisations: in some, it’s virtually non-existent and in others, however, it’s just how they do things. How does creativity happen in your organisation or within your team? And does i...
First impressions can profoundly affect potential relationships, either encouraging them or putting us off for life. So how do you come across to others when you first meet? This self-awareness is difficult to achieve since you can hardly ask tha...
The sentiment 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery' appears to hold no truck in the unedifying spat about Melania Trumps speech this week; critics claim that some of it was lifted from the incumbent first lady Michelle Obama's speech in 2001....
This week, for once it seemed all of the UK was united about something; we all wanted Wales to get through in the Euros! The final result brought mixed responses from those fans interviewed post result, for most there was sheer elation in getting...
When the term ‘lol’ emerged many people (including myself!) mistakenly thought it was 'lots of love' rather than 'laugh out loud'. Perhaps given the events of last week since Brexit, it could have a new meaning; ‘lol’ - lac...
On a day like today it seems impossible to add any sense of perspective to the avalanche of opinions; confusion, elation and fear that arise from the UK's decision to leave the European Union. One thing is certain, the population at large will hav...
One of the greatest quotes attributed to the late Mohammed Ali was, 'Don't count the days, make the days count'. This seems to fly in the face of today's world where we measure everything including the steps we take, rather than just enjoying the...
Last week I had a lovely short break in Portugal and took the opportunity to get some tennis lessons. As someone who has played for a few years in a self styled way I found the new handgrips and feet positioning all a bit weird and after four days co...
This week was Mental Health Awareness Week - a now high profile campaign kicked off by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. The trio are spearheading the "Heads Together" project in a bid to end stigma surrounding mental heal...
'Hanging out of a tenement window' and 'an airbrushed version of reality' were two tongue-in-cheek descriptions of social channels given by Gary Ennis at yesterday's CCA Social Media Masterclass in Glasgow. Great for gossip and also a means for peopl...
I've recently tried to learn Gaelic; a language spoken by my dad's family yet strangely alien to me despite hearing it all around me as a child. Just how hard can it be? Very, as I quickly realised due to stringent grammar much more prescriptive tha...
During this week everyone has been waxing lyrical about the TV programme 'Gary: Tank Commander’s Leader’s Interviews' and so last night I binged on some catch up. I have to say I haven't laughed so much in a long time, so if you haven't s...
This week I experienced that awful sinking feeling when I discovered that my mobile and me were not together; as I arrived at Glasgow Airport for my two day trip to London and sprinting towards security with my mobile boarding pass. Retrieving it was...
Last Saturday I wakened to find a winning Premium Bond letter in the mail, before we get too excited it was a £25 win, enough to brighten up a gloomy grey Glasgow morning but hardly life changing. By late afternoon I was on to a loser having...
Like most of us I suspect, I’ve learned more about the steel industry in the last week than I have in a lifetime. For something that provides the fabric of our every day lives, whether it is buildings, clothes, chemicals, cars, lamps or drinks ...
A fundamental tenet of good customer service was reinforced for me this week: it’s how we make people feel that counts in the long run. People remember how we make them feel. Now before you argue with me – I’m not feeling good so o...
This year marked the 10th anniversary of Twitter and they celebrated by sending users a loving message, ‘Throughout the years, you’ve made Twitter what it is today and you’re shaping what it will be in the future. Thank you for maki...
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