CCA Global Discovery Workshops offer a practical, hands-on approach to help explore the CCA Global Accreditation process with confidence
CCA Global Discovery Workshops offer a practical, hands-on approach to help explore the CCA Global Accreditation process with confidence
Great digital strides were made over the last 3 years through necessity. The number of processes aided by AI, robotics and automation is staggering. However, some of these hastily applied services are in urgent need of review......
Are businesses ready for digital transformation? This infographic summarises the findings of our report, produced in collaboration with Vodafone Global Enterprise.
Calculating the return on investment of digital transformation is much more complex than for more traditional investments and there will be multiple opportunity costs relating to the decisions of where to focus any outlay. Customer experience professional
This report documents the constantly evolving enterprise of digital transformation. As disruptive technologies and their impact on organisations and markets continue to progress, this report aims to capture the shifts and trends that are shaping modern di
This research explores how digital transformation is being realised within today's customer-focused organisations.
This research conducted in association with Vodafone Global Enterprise seeks to gather the latest views, opinions and trends on the development of omni-channel customer contact as part of a digital strategy. The research probed the views of customer e
Digital transformation is a key initiative in many boardrooms. In fact, 84% of companies agree that digital transformation is important or critically important to their survival in the next 5 years. Digital transformation requires businesses to accelerate
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