Elevating the Contact Center Agent Experience (AX) in the Hybrid Work Era
CCA PARTNERSThe contact center agent experience (AX) is the overall experience of the agent across their physical environment, mental well-being, financial well-being, morale, and their day-to-day experience in doing their jobs. One could argue that the last one — day-to-day experience in doing their jobs — is critical to improving the other aspects of AX.
The current state of AX leaves much to be desired, driving up agent churn to 30%-50%, one of the highest among all job types. It is no secret that the job of a contact center agent is a difficult one.
According to Quora, here is what agents had to say:
“The level of burnout due to psychological stress is very high. Anxiety attacks, crying jags, depression, rage, and sleep problems are common.”
“Illness due to physical stress is also very high. Your ability to move around is limited. Bathroom breaks and emergencies are deducted from your break times. Weight gain, heart problems, high blood pressure, back, neck, ear, and carpal tunnel issues are rampant.”
“The constant monitoring, the requirements to do everything ever faster, the inability to move from place to place due to headset, and non-stop back-to-back calls trigger a constant fight or flight response in most people. This usually proves to be unbearable after a while for unmedicated individuals.”
“Our training class had 20 students. We were all placed on a 90-day probation, and I didn’t realize it at the time, but there would only be about five of us left at the three-month mark.”
“I lasted there nine months before I’d had it. Call center burnout is common.”
Here is some worrying news: the job of the agent is poised to become even harder.