Survey now live! Please click here to complete.

Within the arena of customer experience there is considerable division over whether we must delight customers or reduce the effort associated with resolving an enquiry or transaction. It has convincingly been argued that facilitating the customer journey and taking out any pain points will do more to improve loyalty than grand gestures.
Of course, saying this is easier than achieving it in practice, especially in the context of rapid change and an unfavourable economic climate.  
Part of the challenge is anticipating the problems affecting the customer relationship rather than reactive firefighting. There is also much hype about social and self-service channels and many companies continue to invest in channels that allow their customers to self-serve. But, how are contact centres coping with these changes?
We want to explore this further and are initiating a research project entitled ‘Smart Service’ sponsored by Sword Ciboodle to examine these issues. The study will investigate key questions in this area including: What smart service strategies and new look business models are being adopted? What tools are being relied on to intervene in a customer relationship? Is the role of the contact centre and it’s visibility on the board room changing now that the customer has their own voice? What will the shape of the contact centre be and what other trends are influencing it?
A member survey will be launched on Monday 11 June and in return for completing the survey we will provide you with a preview copy of the research results and the chance to win an iPad (prize draw on w/c 16th July2012)! Our aim with this survey is to garner opinion from a wide range of professionals across various sectors and business types, to take a look at what companies are doing, gain insight into the future and understand what challenges lie ahead.

Please get in touch to share your views on this and register your interest in completing the survey.