This week, maintaining the theme of capitalising on the good feeling from convention 2011, I want to highlight the importance of recognising the achievements of those working in our sector. Back in January of this year we released our CCA Research Council Whitepaper ‘Thinking People’. Thought leaders from the sector argued that the growing complexity of inbound calls will require knowledge workers with a high level of empathy and problem solving ability, as well as the adoption of technological solutions. Within the UK, the industry employs close to 1 million individuals so it is critical that the drivers of change, which are revolutionising the way organisations recruit, train, manage and develop people, are acknowledged. Clearly people are vital to success of organisations and we must cultivate a management environment which allows them to thrive. Harding and Yorke’s research from the Whitepaper, which reviewed how to build trust within employees to foster better, more empathetic service of customers, contended that success lay in “making measures into performance development tools and means for celebrating and rewarding excellence, rather than instruments of fear and punishment”. Please visit the CCA Learning Zone to review some of our recent research materials.
We would like to support you to celebrate the achievements of your staff and organisations through the CCA Excellence Awards 2012 which are unique in being a peer reviewed awards programme for the customer contact centre. Showcase your talent, motivate your employees and generate awareness of your organisation through an independent acknowledgement of value, which also offers reassurance to existing and potential customers.
We recognise that embarking on the process might be daunting so we want to join you on the journey and provide insights into how to achieve success. To this end we are running a series of webinars in 2012 where members can hear from one of our Excellence Awards Committee Members on the do’s and don’ts when filling in your applications; understand how an application is scored and hear from a previous award winner. The webinars will run from 10.00-11.30 on each of the below dates and cost £99+VAT per delegate:
17th Jan 2012
14th Feb 2012
13th Mar 2012
3rd Apr 2012
We really hope that you will join us for these useful sessions and feel free to get in touch with any other questions that you might have regarding the Excellence Awards. In order to register for the webinars please contact:
Follow me on Twitter @AnneMarieCCA